Welcome Assoc. Prof. Chen Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China​ to be the TPC!

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Chen Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China​ to be the TPC!


Assoc. Prof. Chen Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

张宸 副教授,上海交通大学,中国

Chen Zhang received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2010, an M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University in 2012, and a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Minnesota in 2017. After one year of working as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota, Chen Zhang joined National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) as a researcher at the Center of Integrated Mobility Science. In 2022, June, Dr. Zhang becomes an associate professor in the College of Smart Energy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.  His Current research interests include renewable fuels combustion, modeling, and control of free-piston engines, and system-level analysis of the Power to X plant. Dr. Zhang was the PI or co-PI for multiple projects sponsored by US DOE, EPA, and CARB. He also obtained the President Award from NREL in 2021, the best paper award at the 2016 ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, and the Grand Prize of the 2013 Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge Award.

张宸2010年毕业于上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,2012年获美国是他那份大学机械工程硕士学位,2017年获美国明尼苏达大学双城分校博士学位,2018到2022年任美国可再生国家实验室(National Renewable Energy Laboratory)副研究员,后于2022年7月回国,现为上海交通大学国家电投智慧能源创新学院长聘教轨副教授。主要从事可再生合成燃料制备与利用、新能源汽车动力系统、车-网联合、大数据分析等研究领域。近年来亦开展以数据驱动为基础的多能源流系统控制和实时监控体系的相关研究。主持和参与多项美国能源部,美国环境保护署,加州空气资源研究会,丰田汽车公司北美研究院等10项资助项目。相关成果共发表SCI期刊论文13篇,国家实验室学术报告4篇,美国专利一项。2022年获上海海外高层次创新人才称号。